Saturday, July 30, 2011

Facebook chat Symbols, Smileys, Emoticons + more

Here's a list of Facebook Chat Symbols for you to use



(Y) = Like chat only. (Y)

Smileys Name Shortcut
Emotion Smiley - Angel Angel Symbol O:-)
Emotion Smiley - Confused Confused Symbol o.O
Emotion Smiley - Crying Crying Symbol :'(
Emotion Smiley - Tash Tash Symbol :3
Emotion Smiley - Devil Devil Symbol 3:-)
Emotion Smiley - Sad Sad Symbol :-(
Emotion Smiley - Gasp Gasping Symbol :-O
Emotion Smiley - Glasses Glasses Symbol 8-)
Emotion Smiley - Grin Grin Symbol :-D
Emotion Smiley - Grumpy Grumpy Symbol >:-(
Emotion Smiley - Heart Heart Symbol <3
Emotion Smiley - Happy Happy Symbol ^_^
Emotion Smiley - Kiss Kiss Symbol :-*
Emotion Smiley - Pacman Pacman Symbol :v
Emoticon Smiley - Penguin Penguin Symbol <(”)
Emotion Smiley - Chris Putnam Chris Putnam Symbol :putnam:
Emotion Smiley - Robot Robot Symbol :|]
Emotion Smiley - Shark Shark Symbol (^^^)
Emotion Smiley - Smile Smile Symbol :-)
Emotion Smiley - Squint Squint Symbol -_-
Emotion Smiley - Sun glasses Sun Glasses Symbol 8-|
Emotion Smiley - Sun Glasses Tongue Symbol :-P
Emotion Smiley - Unsure Unsure Symbol :-/
Emotion Smiley - Upset Upset Symbol >:-O
Emotion Smiley - Wink Wink Symbol ;-)

Here are the Standard But Awesome Facebook Twitter MSN Character Symbols

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